About us
The Association of Tourist Guides Split – DTVS – is a non-profit association of certified, professional tourist guides.
Our members are certified tourist guides primarily from the county Split – Dalmatia, but we have great co-operation with Tourist guides associations from other counties all over Croatia, all in order to offer our customers and guests the best possible experience of visiting the many sites with an experienced, qualified and certified tourist guide, able to present and promote the identity, traditions, culture, beauty, history and current life in the Split – Dalmatia county, but also in the whole of Croatia.
Our goal is also to constantly educate our membership on all new discoveries or newly introduced programs and events, to enable them to be up to date with all aspects of life in their environment and to inform the guests using their services accordingly.
The Association of Tourist Guides Split (DTVS) is very active in maintaining open and productive exchange with our members and also in protecting the profession of certified tourist guides.
We have established great co-operation with the authorities of the city Split, resulting in our very well received project of “Diocletian´s treasure chest” – free tours organized for interested citizens and pupils during the winter month, creating awareness and respect for our unique cultural and historical heritage among the local population, in particular our future generations. We are an associate member with the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts, as well as with the Tourist Board of Split, Split – Dalmatia County Tourist Board.
We cooperate with other associations of travel and tours guides in the Republic of Croatia as well as with the Croatian Tourism Guides Association.
Presidency of the Association of Tourist Guides in Split